
By Neil Simon
Ken and Chris have found their host Charley, a prominent Government official, in his bedroom, too dazed to speak, with a bullet wound in his ear lobe! Len and Claire arrive, themselves injured in a car crash, and are soon joined by Ernest and Cookie, Glenn and Cassie, each with their own problems...
"Rumors" (US version) premiered at the Old Globe Theatre (San Diego, California) on September 22, 1988
Neil Simon wrote more than 30 plays and nearly the same number of movie screenplays. He received more combined Oscar and Tony nominations than any other writer.
Maggie Allsop with Ros Kent
Ken : Simon Carney
Len : Steve Crump
Ernest: Richard Forman
Glenn : Ross Arnott
Chris : Nicky Shipton
Claire : Roisin Hall
Cookie : Tracey Ball
Cassie : Jade Mechin
PC Conkin : Paul Cragg
PC Casey : Sammy Mountford
Prompt : Annette Crump
Stage Management and set design: Rob Creer and Will Wrighton
Construction: Phil Lovell, Michael Knight, Rob Creer Will Wrighton and Rob Owen.
Wallpapering: Jim Salt
Properties: Laura Salt and Tina Milton
Lighting and Sound: Sam Walsh
Front of House: Diane Owen and members of Sodbury Players
Costumes: Karen Smith
Poster and Programme: Lucy Cragg